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Meet The CREW

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Kearin Green

My name is Kearin (she/her) and I’m The writer/director of Punk Mitzvah. Like our heroine, Este, I had a bat-mitzvah where I was told that I was a woman now. I remember feeling beyond confused looking in mirror and still feeling like a child. Whilst I was not nearly as cool as Este at 13, I’ve decided to take two unconventional elements from my life, being a Jew and my love for the aesthetic of punk, and using it as a catalyst to explore identity, and societal and religious pressures.

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I’m Fred (They/Them). I’m one of the producers and The production designer for Punk Mitzvah! I’m really excited about this film. The world and the characters seem so fun to decorate and explore! I think you can learn a lot from a character before they even open their mouth just from the clothes and the way they decorate their space. its really cool to have the opportunity to bring life to the setting!

Fred Wroolie

Producer/Production Design

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Jack Crosthwaite

Director of Photography

Hey! I’m Jack: the DOP for Punk Mitzvah. I could not be more excited to explore and represent Este’s story through the lens. I believe that the visuals in this film will immerse you all in a deeper connection with Estes’s emotions as she embraces her punk identity. The journey of adolescence and self-identity that Este goes through in this film is something I think everyone can relate to in some way.

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Samuel Holland


Hi my name is Sam and I am the gaffer for Punk Mitzvah. My main interest in film is working in the camera department as I enjoy the creative process behind it. My other hobbies include playing and watching football, maintaining fitness and watching films/TV shows. I support Liverpool despite having no heritage to the place and my favourite film is The Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King and my favourite show would have to be Breaking Bad or GOT. I would say that I am a quiet person, however I believe I am a kind person to everyone I meet.

Sam Holland


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DJ Coleman

I’m DJ. The co-producer for Punk Mitzvah.
Atternate aesthetics deeply interest me and I hope to explore them in my own life. Having the chance to contribufe to a story about a young girl exploring her identity via punk is deeply inspiring to me and I’m excited to help the team share this story with the world. Challenging gender roles, societal pressures and preconceived notions of how one ought to be versus how they wish to be. These are all important topics and we look forward to exploring them with good humour and a steady hand.

Lili Lowe


I’m Lili and I’m the editor of Punk Mitzvah. I graduated from Portsmouth University with a degree in Film Production in 2023 and now work at Pinewood Studios as an assistant editor. I was asked by the team in December to edit Punk Mitzvah, which I was very pleased to do. As I have been working remotely, away from the team in person, there have been some obstacles we have had to figure out, such as how to send the rushes back and forth, both when filming and then towards the end for colour grading, but overall it has been a straightforward journey. From being the editor of my own graduate film last year, I know that the creation of a short film is an intense but greatly creatively rewarding one and I’m glad to be a part of Punk Mitzvah’s journey.

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Bethany Blackford

Sound Recordist

My name is Bethany Blackford, and I was the sound recordist for Punk Mitzvah. This project was an incredibly rewarding experience that allowed me to dive into the  world of teenage coming-of-age stories. Having previously collaborated with the director on  projects before, I was eager to join this team and contribute to a film that resonates with such a pivotal life stage. Overall the experience of working on Punk Mitzvah reinforced my passion for sound recording and my commitment to storytelling through audio. Previous films worked on is Swan Song (2024) and Atonia (2023). 



Assistant Director

Lighting Assistant

Jack Hayes

Assistant Editor/Data Wrangler

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Hey everyone, my name is Jack Hayes and I was the data wrangler for Punk-Mitzvah. The data wrangler is someone who helps to upload, organise and sort the footage during or after the filming process in production. This also includes creating backups in case original footage gets lost or corrupted. Having been another Data Wrangler for another graduate film this year, this helped me in terms of the process of being a data wrangler and what to do when on set. I used Davinci Resolve and the clone feature as it allows for safe, reliable and successful transfers. The team on set was amazing, always talking me through everything and taking care of me and making sure I was happy at every moment. Even though I didn't do much on set or was waiting for the transfers to complete 😅 I am really pleased with what this amazing grad film team have managed to achieve and am happy to have helped out and manage to get the footage to our amazing editor Lilli!

Sophie Roome

Assistant Camera

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Hi I’m Sophie! I love anything to do with cameras, and really enjoy working with 35mm film in my spare time. I worked as a 1st AC on Punk Mitzvah and it was amazing to work together with the DOP to bring the story to life. I can’t wait to see the end result of all of our hard work.

Ellie Simpson

BTS Photographer

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Hi my name is Ellie Simpson and I am a camera trainee, looking to progress to Director of Photography down the line! I have enjoyed being behind the camera for many years, beginning with filming many comedy shorts in college. I did BTS for Punk Mitzvah and it was great fun!

Erin Sian Thomas

Script Supervisor

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Hello, my name is Erin, and I recently completed my second year of BA (Hons) Film Production at the University of Portsmouth. As Script Supervisor for the Graduate Film Punk Mitzvah, I ensured that the dialogue and visuals in the film were consistent. I've always been interested in Continuity, but Producing is my true passion, and I'll be producing my own Graduate Film in my final year of university next year!

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Hello I am Aidan, I’ve just completed my second year at Portsmouth university and had the opportunity to work on Punk Mitzvah along with the rest of the crew. I did a few roles during production, from being the clapper loader to sound recordist and boom operator, as well as transportation for the rest of the crew.

Aidan Vind

2nd AC/Transportation

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Tess Ekelund

Assistant Camera

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Hi! My name is Tess and I’m a 20 year old aspiring cinematographer from Sweden. I helped out as a 1st AC on some of the shoots for Punk Mitzvah.

I'm Chris, a 1st year student at UOP. I’ve always been passionate about creative activities, which motivated me to choose the Film Production course at Portsmouth University. Working as a sound assistant/runner on Punk Mitzvah was enlightening, allowing me to meet various like-minded people whilst giving me valuable knowledge of the filmmaking process. I mostly operated the boom pole and clapboard on set in addition to helping out with other tasks. Overall, it was a memorable experience and I’m thankful I had the opportunity to work with everyone and make a relatively significant contribution.

Chris Baguma

Sound Assistant/Runner

Ewan Barlow

Sound Assistant/Runner

I’m Ewan Barlow, a first year student at the university of Portsmouth studying Film production. I worked on set as a sound assistant/runner for Punk Mitzvah and I gained a lot of valuable experience to take forward with me.



Clemence Agenet


Graphic Designer

Graphic Designer

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